MANUEL MARQUES & FILHOS, S. A. is a family-owned company, incorporated on 15/11/2012, with a registered capital of 1.800.000,00€, with the following members:
Manuel Marques
Ana Pereira Marques
- Anabela Pereira Marques
José Manuel Castelo Pereira Marques
- Luís, André Santos Marques
Pedro Santos Marques
- Guilherme, Manuel Marques, José De Paiva.
The company has as its main object the construction of buildings, the purchase, sale, exchange of real estate properties and resale of purchased for that purpose, the promotion of real estate and the leasing or letting of immovable property.
The company is in the construction of a set of 9 halls, with an area of 5,200 m2 for commerce and industry, it is expected, also, in due course, the construction of the other infrastructure on the land acquired for this purpose.
This is the company's priority is the full satisfaction of our clients by offering a personalized follow-up according to their needs.
At the time of my departure, to say good-bye you don't have to return, there are more than enough words, and there is a shortage on the comfort. An angel, a new people and a new star lights up the sky. The world became poorer with the passing of those who will forever live on in our hearts as well as our own lives are also sadden with your loss, but one that will be remembered for the wonderful person who left us the teachings and beautiful memories. Up to one day.